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Avalon Billing and Collection offers simple pick and choose services to total outsourcing solutions. We can manage specific functions so you can focus on your core business. Most of our services focus on billing, collections, insurance handling and debt. Debt services include negotiation, settlement, purchasing, refinancing/restructuring and collections work.

Avalon Billing and Collection's primary Collection Services are:

1 - Accounts Receivables (A/R) Management

2 - Collection & Negotiation Services

3 - Litigation Services

According to the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, the older an account, the harder it is to collect.


According to the American Collectors Association, the average collection agency collects less than 14% of all debts assigned.


We recover more because we restructure your paperwork, letters and communications to streamline the process earlier and recover money quicker.


Our collections targets are over 75%.


Other collections agents hesitate to turn over accounts to attorneys. Our attorneys review your accounts from Day 1.


Our full suite of software includes web based reporting and easy to use smartphone apps to get access to instant reporting on collections.

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